clickin' Moms

Monday, May 12, 2008

You're Gonna Miss This Photography

Okay, after I finished task #1 today I started thinking about what I'd like my business to be called and I came up with "You're Gonna Miss This Photography"... so far it's just an idea but tell me what you think. I was reading on another site someone that was trying to think of a name for her photography business and someone suggested using song lyrics...

The song "You're Gonna Miss This" popped into my head at exactly that moment. I love that song and the emotion it makes me feel whenever I hear it... I really do take pictures so that when I'm missing the things that happened in my past, I can take a look at the pictures and still feel that connection to it. So what do you think? Is it too long of a name? Is it too different? Does it sound funny if you don't know the connection to the song? Give me your honest opinion. I'm not totally set on it yet but I do really like it.

Here's the song if you've never heard it. It's absolutely beautiful.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hope Walls said...

I think it's a great idea but the reference might be a bit obscure, which could make people (like me lol) take it out of context. I took it as, oh, well, I better get a photographer because I'm missing something. Which makes me a bad parent lol. However, I absolutely love the sentiment, and think it would be a fantastic hook especially since it strays from the whole current cutesy bug and flower name for kids' photography and avoids the over-used words like 'captured' and 'treasured.'

The best names usually are ones that are simple and easy to remember, so perhaps you could consider a play on the phrase. "No Missing Moments" or "Don't Miss This" or something like that. You might consider using the front half of that sentiment: "Enjoy it now" or "These Moments." Or, you could just go with something uber-compact like just, "sentiments" or "recollections"

These Moments - Recollections by Lareina

Then you're slogan or 'catch phrase' could be, "You're gonna miss this" and you could have your 'signature shots' could be a series of pictures: a child wailing like a banshee, laughing like mad, sitting in a pile of mud, etc. And that song can play on your website as background music...

Let me sleep on it...

Anonymous said...

I concur.

It's a bit of a long winder but it'd make a good catch phrase. I'm still thinkin' of something for mine and haven't quite nailed it yet. Any ideas??