clickin' Moms

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My poor baby has a cold...

Well, so much for my picture a day idea... my daughter has a horrible terrible cold and/or is teething (don't know whether one created the other or not) so she hasn't let me put her down for more than 5 minutes at a time if that. My dishes are overflowing out of my sink. She won't eat anything except Baby Mum Mums and wants to drink pretty much 24/7 so mommy is a very tired lady...

I have a headache to top it all of since I haven't drank enough water today and haven't eaten anything good for me since I can't set her down to make something... Thank goodness, my dh went and bought A & W on the way home or I'd still be starving.

Marrah in her jumperoo when she thought I was coming to pick her up:

And about 2 seconds later when she realized I was taking her picture instead... poor grumpy-puss...

1 comment:

Hope Walls said...

Yeah - I tried even posting a photo a WEEK and I couldn't do it. I just wasn't there. A day without pictures is like a day without oxygen for me, but when I HAVE to take a picture or feel 'forced' then suddenly it isn't all that appealing lol. Kinda like being a rebellious teenager.

Take care of yourself...