clickin' Moms

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Exciting news!!!

Okay, I have to share my exciting news... not necessarily photography related but I GOT FLOOR SEATS, ROW 4 FOR DAVID COPPERFIELD ON OCTOBER 30TH!!! ROW 4!!! ROW 4!!! DID YA GET THAT?? ROW 4!!!

I've seen him before at the Jubilee but I was in the nosebleeds and could hardly see anything... it was good but I always said if I ever went back I'd want to be on the same floor as the stage at least... and now I will be! YAY! I have watched his shows since I was a little kid on TV and think it's very cool. So I'm excited (if ya couldn't tell)!

Also, another exciting tidbit is that Rebecca was kind enough to share a few of her portfolio shoots with me since her baby is coming soon and I have the possibility of 4 sessions in the near future, one being a maternity shoot! I'm sooo excited and very nervous all at the same time! It's going to be for people I don't know so that makes me nervous... All the sessions so far have been for friends and family so at least if I totally screwed it up, they wouldn't be too hard on me... They are free sessions so it's not like they can be too picky but I hope I do a good job for them! Thanks again Rebecca for the referrals!!

Hope to have some new pictures for you soon!


Hope Walls said...

OK - I'm not sure how I feel about your excitement over David Copperfield... lol However, ocngrats on doing pics of some 'strangers' - it's a whole different ball game, and I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you remember to just breathe... I am excited to see what you get!

Rebecca McKay said...

I hope they pan out for you, L! I agree, it's a whole different ball game, however, for some reason I'm more nervous for people I know than don'!!
You'll do great!!